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Mes livres
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                        CONVERSATION AVEC THÉRÈSE DE LISIEUX                                                     À partir des écrits de sainte Thérèse
Le génie de Thérèse de Lisieux est, et sera toujours, de révéler la fraîcheur de l'Évangile, d'en véhiculer la nouveauté inaltérable et de susciter créations et innovations messagères de la confiance en l'Ami universel qu'est Jésus. Ce livre, sous la forme d'un dialogue, s'inscrit dans ce jaillissement thérésien novateur. L'auteur y formule ses questionnements les plus intimes et les éclaire avec le verbe de Thérèse.
Pour audacieuse qu'elle soit, cette entreprise littéraire inédite est réussie. Elle supposait une connaissance approfondie de l'oeuvre thérésienne et une familiarité avec son message. Les mots de la sainte de Lisieux, extraits de ses manuscrits autobiographiques, lettres, poésies, prières, saynètes et dernières paroles, délivrent des réponses pertinentes aux interrogations existentielles et spirituelles de l'auteur.
Née il y a 150 ans, sainte Thérèse nous livre dans un langage simple et direct les trésors de sa « petite voie ». Les remèdes et les secrets dévoilés dans ce dialogue éclaireront tous ceux qui désirent la connaître, s'approcher de Dieu ou guérir intérieurement.
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                               LE CHANT DE LA KUNDALINI
La Kundalini, consacrée en Inde et impensée en Occident, permettrait-elle de fonder une métaphysique ?
Secret des rishis, nimbée d’un grand mystère, connue autant que méconnue, elle demeure une énigme. Insaisissable, hymnes et traités peinent à la décrire, la dépeignant comme un objet, une faculté, une plante ou une divinité. Principielle, la pensée indienne l’adoube comme source de toutes vies, de toutes grâces, de toutes vérités et de toute salvation.
Ce dialogue philosophique dévoile les attributions de la Kundalini, approchant son essence cachée. Frayant, à travers ses antiques définitions sanskrites, une saillie vers ce joyau irrévélé, un nouvel horizon de pensée s’initiera-t-il ? ouvrant des voies et des chemins ontologiques, gnoséologiques et linguistiques inconnus ? et dessinant, en des notions inédites, un fondement conceptuel, prémice de l’éclosion d’une métaphysique ?
Ce chant, rencontre impromptue entre Swami Vijayânanda, vieil ascète et médecin français, disciple de Mâ Ananda Moyî et Louis de Florac, jeune philosophe habité par la Kundalini depuis l’enfance, entonnera questions et arguments pour, peut-être, révéler celle, qui éternelle, d’âge en âge, toujours se scelle…
Plato facing Heidegger
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The Myth of the Cave, obscure and popular story we he revealed everything? Or does he retain, again, the secret of existence allowing him to achieve his only goal, that of contemplating the divine?
S ocrates tells Glaucon a succinct, enigmatic and thousand-year-old story, which opens the seventh book of The Republic of Plato and which challenges the depths of our souls wavering its deepest conceptions, even going so far as to influence the destiny of philosophy. according to Martin Heidegger, capsizing it towards a metaphysical edge! This assignment weighs, like an accusation, on the myth of the cave, condemning it to inaugurate the history of the forgetting of being. However, is this position defensible?
The inner epic that this story tells can neither be exhausted nor be reduced to this badly justified condemnation. Does this universal and tragic history of the human condition conceal a forgotten dimension, because it is hidden? The impenetrable cloud floating over this allegory worries and reassures ... but what could it teach us that is so fundamental that we do not already know? or rather, that we do not know?
This work rereads the myth of the cave from its legitimate source, Plato and his commentary. Diving to the root of its original meaning, we will go to the discovery of the key to the interpretation of the myth. Freed from its original opacity, it will reveal, perhaps, the mysterious, and not metaphysical, meaning of the image of the prisoner whose journey, in and out of the cave, will lead him to free himself from his chains to be finally glorified. by the sun!
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Plotinus, Shankara, Spinoza
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This book is a comparative study between Plotinus, Spinoza and Shankara, reason and its overcoming constitute the central theme. Indeed these three philosophers seek to go beyond the intellect: the we for Plotinus, the buddhi for Shankara and reason for Spinoza and this, in very varied contexts - Hellenistic, Hindu and rationalist - to ultimately unite with the 'Absolute. From then on, would there not be an underlying kinship link which would unite these three authors in their quest for Truth? The approach of this confrontation proposes to discover if the theme of "going beyond reason" reveals, or not, the existence of an authentic link between these philosophies and thus makes it possible to bring together, irresistibly, Western philosophy and Indian philosophy. ...
Collective books
Proceedings of the 3-4-5 July 2020 conference

The question of religion, in philosophy, is above all the question of truth, and the question of the relationship between belief and reason. Is science the enemy of religion? Does faith oppose reason? Where does the strength of religions come from? Why hasn't scientific progress made religions disappear? Here we can also wonder about contemporary myths and illusions such as rumors, superstitions, urban legends, etc. Can we not believe in anything? Must we submit everything to reason?
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“The myth of the cave among the Fathers of the Church: another story of the truth? ".
Proceedings of the 3-4-5 July 2020 conference

The question of religion, in philosophy, is above all the question of truth, and the question of the relationship between belief and reason. Is science the enemy of religion? Does faith oppose reason? Where does the strength of religions come from? Why hasn't scientific progress made religions disappear? Here we can also wonder about contemporary myths and illusions such as rumors, superstitions, urban legends, etc. Can we not believe in anything? Must we submit everything to reason?
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“The myth of the cave among the Fathers of the Church: another story of the truth? ".
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Proceedings of the conference of 5-6-7 July 2019
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
There has long been talk of “literary theology”, to express both a theological reading of literature and a literary writing of Christian faith and reflection. We have, on the one hand, authors such as Kierkegaard, Baudelaire, Mauriac, Grosjean, Péguy, Bernanos, Char, Beauchau, Bonnefoy. On the other hand, literary genres such as the newspaper, the novel, the biblical rewritings, the mystical language, the news, the poetic language.
Can one sacrifice one's faith for pure literary pleasure, by committing to serve religion, in ways that can harm it? Is there an affinity between theology and literature for a word which does not belong to them and which is promised to them?
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“Pierce beyond words and the horizon of phenomena through the poetry of Saint John of the Cross”, pp. 195-208.
Proceedings of the conference of 6-7-8 July 2018
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
After the Nietzschean, Freudian, Heideggerian or Derridian ruptures, what contemporary status should be accorded to metaphysics? The conceptual constructions of metaphysics are inscribed in a historicity. But this is also a work of the mind. It cannot on its own judge the quality of the dismissals and reworking in progress. This is why we must question the permanence of metaphysics, including its negation or its apparent absence.
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“The myth of the cave, the beginning of metaphysics? The Heraclitean and Parmenidean sources ”, pp. 267-290.
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Proceedings of the conference of 7-8-9 July 2017
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That philosophy is a way of life rather than a matter of discourse, daily action rather than a matter of knowledge, this is what has been firmly established since the pioneering research of Pierre Hadot, relayed by Michel Foucault, in his now famous book Spiritual Exercises and Philosophy. antique (1981). The texts gathered in this book, following a conference held in July 2017, attempt to define the modalities and challenges of these renewed invitations to a radical transformation of our ways of living.
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"Ecstasy in Plato", Philosophies, spiritualities, gnoses: yesterday and today, pp. 161-170.
Proceedings of the conference of July 7-8-9, 2016
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Today, a watertight partition seems to separate philosophy and theology. Since modern times, each has followed its own destiny: one jealously defends its autonomy, while the other deliberately listens to a word that comes to it from elsewhere. Between philosophy and theology, between Athens and Jerusalem, the disjunction seems irreversible. In the twentieth century, Christianity and philosophies also continued to converse on the basis of the Thomist revival, French spiritualism, Kantian criticism or German phenomenology, to name but a few currents.
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"Sketch of a philosophy of the person in Edith Stein, from theologumens from the work of Saint John of the Cross", pp. 152-175.
Exploration of the work of Christian Godin
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T his book brings together the interventions of a symposium held from 24 to 26 September 2015 at the House of Humanities Clermont-Ferrand and the University Paris Descartes, in the premises of the Sorbonne . The term “institution” immediately suggests the establishment of a principle from which an economy operates. This principle, or axiom, would be an invariant posited as something which inspires respect, fear, reverence untouchable by chance. But "dismissal" immediately afterwards seems to affirm that such a principle may appear transitory. The plural indicates that the totality is established and is destitute according to different modalities. This being so, a question immediately arises: how can a principle which bequeaths a space of intelligibility be dissolved, dislocated, undone?
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“The Good as a totalizing principle in the experience of the soul in Plotinus”, pp.43-52.
“The Atman / Brahman or the possibility of Totality in the non-dualism of Sankara”, pp.73-83.
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