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Doctor of Philosophy

William NÉRIA

Academic background

J e'm Doctor of Philosophy from the Paris-Sorbonne University and Ph. D. from Laval University in Quebec City in Canada. I defended my thesis in 2017: The myth of the cave. The original interpretation of Plato in the face of Heidegger's original approach , under the supervision of Professor Alexander Schnell (Université Paris-Sorbonne and Universität Wuppertal - Deutschland) and the co-supervision of Professor Jean-Marc Narbonne (Université Laval - Canada); the members of my thesis jury were professors Danielle Cohen-Lévinas (President of the jury), Thomas de Koninck, Christian Godin and Inga Römer. My thesis obtained the mention: Très Honorable. It has just been published by editions du Cerf in 2019, under the title: The myth of the cave. Plato facing Heidegger , prefaced by Professor Thomas de Koninck of Laval University.
B efore making my thesis, I wrote a Master's thesis 2 in philosophy at the Sorbonne, under the direction of Professor Francois Chenet, entitled: Exceeding the reason and experience of the Absolute. Plotinus, Shankara, Spinoza . The thesis jury was made up of professors François Chenet and Alexander Schnell. He received the mention: Very Good. This dissertation was published in a book in 2014 by Les Deux Oceans, under the same title.
T he two years preceding the writing of my thesis, I did two master's 1 at the Sorbonne, the first in Indian and comparative philosophy and the second in aesthetic philosophy.
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Research fields

J e interested in the history of the constitution of metaphysics through the questioning of "the forgetting of history of being" driven by Martin Heidegger.
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I question the similarities and the differences between Western and Indian philosophies, in particular Neoplatonism and Advaita-Vedanta. Currently, I devote myself to work on comparative religions between Christianity and Hinduism.
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I also investigate the philosophies of the One, focusing on the various forms of ancient and medieval henologies (Christian mysticism).

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